
Like the Tunejolle, this faering is built with materials I’ve harvested locally and milled here at my boat shop. The stem and framing assembly are made up from grown Tamarack root stock. The backbone is Wisconsin White Oak, and together is makes for a near bullet proof backbone assembly. This boat requires wide planking stock, and planking is either Northern White Cedar, or Tamarack, the latter being much stronger but also a bit heavier.

I was a little skeptical of how much the lost waterline length might affect the performance of the boat, but to my very pleasant surprise, she is lively on the water, maintains lots of reserve stability, and exhibits great rowing characteristics.

The seat assembly very closely mirrors her work boat origins, with the aft seat removable for hauling cargo, be it cows, hay, wood, or a pile of excited grand-kids. She’s got plenty of capacity for the job. All fasteners used in the boat are copper and silicon bronze. The finish is a pine tar and linseed oil mix, topped with a tung oil varnish for durability and so that it won’t become tacky in high sunlight.

Cost: $13,500.00

*Standard with all boats are a set of oars and a buff three strand spliced bow painter and two docklines.

**Optional and encouraged- a custom Sunbrella vented marine canvas cover. This has snaps along the sheer, buckles at the stem, and removable straps for trailering. Available in a wide palate of colors. $1,200.00